Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Website Evaluation Number 1

Website URL:
Grade/Age Level:
Kindergarten to Adult
Language & Content:

Bogglesworld is a treasure trove of ESL resources. There are full lesson plans, flashcards, worksheets, gameboards and more on the site for any teacher or student to access for free. Taken from the website, their “aim is to bring printable quality resources to teachers and parents.”

The worksheets found on this website range from time fillers such as wordsearch activities, to those of real quality. There are conversation based worksheets, as well as grammar, and vocabulary ones. Most if not all of the worksheets are available for download and printing as attachments. For the lesson plans, there are detailed instructions for the teachers.

One of the biggest strengths of this website is the sheer amount of quality materials available. The materials such as flashcards are interesting in that the pictures are colored and often teach a grammar point as well. For example, there are a group of monster flashcards that also teach prepositions. There are numerous worksheets available for teachers to use with almost any grade level. The gameboard entitled ‘Say 4 things’ is such a fun activity to promote student speaking in an active way. Students don’t even realize that they’re studying; they see it as a game.

While the site doesn’t offer interactive assessment or feedback, there are multiple worksheets that allow students to practice with a paper and pencil. The site is also easy to use and navigate with categories listing the available materials on the top. All in all, I highly recommend this website to any ESL instructor. I feel that offering online games and interactive activities would definitely improve the website and expand its range of engaging activities. I also think that opening the site to any user to contribute quality materials would help increase the already ample supply.


  1. I have found this website to be a life saver in the past for me. A lot of the material is appropriate for students of all ages from elementary to High School and even adults. Most recently I used some worksheets from this site when teaching phonics to my young learners. Also, there are good wordsearches and crosswords that work as good review if the students ahve extra time at the end of the class.

    The role playing too I found to be very useful when working with adult students. They are often very practical from whether it be going to a bank to answering the telephone. I would recommend this website to any experienced or new teacher that may have trouble filling up a lesson.

  2. Wow! this is another great one. I was just looking at a couple of the activities and they are really good. For instance, the grapevine games would be quite challenging, so I could imagine using them as they're written for more advanced students and then simplifying them students who are beginners. That particular game is so involved that I could even see using it as a party game with native English speakers!
    Thanks for pointing this one out, Paul. I am definitely going to suggest to my lead teacher that we try something from this site to break things up a bit in our *very* quiet class.

  3. This looks like a great resource. Thanks for sharing. I know that when I was teaching kids in Japan, this kind of site was often helpful.

  4. Yes, I also think that this website is a great resource for ESL teachers. I took a look at the role playing for adult learners and thought it was useful and practical. I like the idea that the materials can be edited because it enables teachers to make changes to the content of the worksheets so that they can use their own topics using template worksheets. Thanks for sharing :D

  5. I'm glad that all of you can find some activities form this site that can be useful for your learner group. Since my classes are focused more on the speaking and output side of ESL learning, I've especially found the surveys and conversations prompts from this site great. There are lots of materials for adult learners that I haven't had the chance to use yet but would like to in the future as well. Thanks for your comments everyone.
